Dietmar Leyk’s Lecture: Architecture, Stills, and Making Space


30 October 2013 | 19:00 pm | Goethe Haus | Jalan Sam Ratulangi, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.

Presented by Goethe Institut Jakarta and Rujak Center for Urban Studies. Free admission, but please register to Please provide name, organisation, Cel.Phone number, and mail addres.

Dietmar Leyk is invited to present the latest projects by LWA. His lecture, entitled “Architecture, Stills, and Making Space”, will focus on dualities like Intimacy and Exposure, Individuality and Collectivity, or Essentials and Peripherals in Architecture and Design.


Dietmar Leyk is an architect based in Berlin. Together with Petra Wollenberg, he is cofounder and director of Leyk Wollenberg Ar­chitects based in Berlin, accomplishing international projects in all scales from interior to urban de­sign since 2000. They received numerous prizes in international competitions and for their realized work. Among others, the first prize for the Media Center and Lecturehalls at the Technical University in Darmstadt, Germany.

Dietmar Leyk studied architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA) in London and at the Technical University in Braunschweig. He worked as project architect for Elia Zenghelis in London and Athens, and Daniel Libeskind in Berlin and Los Angeles.

Before Dietmar Leyk taught as interim professor of architecture and urban design at the ETH Zürich he taught and researched as assistant professor at the ETH Zürich on a variety of issues concerned with the architectural and urban form. He published “ParaForm”, a research on morphological phenomena as a base for studying the interdependencies between architectonic fabric and metabolism of urban systems in order to establish models for the evaluation and improvement of their sustainable developments.

From 2005 until 2013 Dietmar Leyk has been a visiting professor at the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam, now called The Berlage Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design in Delft, where Dietmar Leyk researched on a variety of issues related to Knowledge Spaces.
Dietmar Leyk teaches, publi­shes and lectures internationally. In 2010 he published „Working and Living in the City of Knowledge“, based on a research project about the future of worklife in relation to architecture and the city for the Berlage Institute and Steelcase WorkSpace Futures.

Since 2011 Dietmar Leyk is the research director at the Aedes Network Campus Berlin – The Metropolitan Laboratory.

More on Dietmar Leyk’s bio click here and here


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