Updated with list of participants (in alphabetical order):
1. Andreas Wibisono (Carnival Mobility)
2. Anita Halim (City Home: An Urban Tactic)
3. Dzikri Prakasa (Improving Public Transport System & Services)
4. Elbert Cahyadi (Public Space Develompent in Sunter to Fulfill Optional and Social Activity of The Community)
5. Fariduddin Atthar (Elevated pathway as an option to minimize flood impact, based on knockdown building and community early warning system)
6. Miktha Farid (Rethinking Urban Kampung @ Kampung Pulo)
7. Mochamad Hasrul Indrabakti (Jakarta Besok)
8. Mufty Riyan (Integration of BRT: Smart Mobility)
9. Muhammad Fatchurofi (JakVOICE)
10. Ria Istiana (Healthier Jakarta)
11. Robin Hartanto (Proposing the Semi-public Spaces in Private Residential Areas in Jakarta)
12. Safrilah (Dynamic Signaling System to Achieve Smart Mobility)
13. Soritua Sidjabat (Creative Signage)
14. Syarfina Nadila (The Place that we live in)
15. Wildan Abdurrahman (Infiltration Wells)
15. Yunus Kuntawi (Jakarta on The Move)
Congratulations to all participants. We’ll see you on January 3rd at Museum Bank Mandiri (Ruang Aula Kecil).
The internationally acclaimed gallery of architecture and urbanity, Aedes Architecture Forum, together with the Rujak Center for Urban Studies and the Goethe Institut in Southeast Asia are organizing an international workshop in Jakarta titled SMART CITY=Smart Citizen+Smart Process’, from 3-13 of January 2013 in Jakarta. This workshop and its results will be part of the Interdisciplinary Urban Exhibition & Symposium of SMART CITY: The Next Generation, Focus South East Asia in Berlin on June 2013. This workshop will be running by Dietmar Leyk & Rujak Center for Urban Studies. Dietmar Leyk is Visitor Professor at Berlage Institute and TU Delft.
We are inviting participants from age of 21-28. This workshop is suitable for 4th year students and young graduates from all subjects. This workshop does not only focus on built environment and spatially based solutions, but it will embrace urban tactics, innovative solutions, inter-disciplinary approaches and resilient tips. Your idea can be derived from diverse subjects, from architecture to urban planning, from product design to campaign design, from social approach to economic or environmental approach. It could be anything, as long as you believe that your idea is smart and could improve the living conditions in Jakarta. We are also interested in projects that take human behavior into both sustainability and social cohesion in the Jakartas urban context. Your ideas should address one OR combinations of these challenges:
- Resilient and Disaster
- Habitat
- Mobility
- Water-related issue
SMART CITY=Smart Citizen + Smart Process
The idea of Smart City is not only limited to geo-localization and wikification of places or massive use of ICTs (information and communication technology) in the city. Some people believe that smart cities is about the accessibility to and use of ICTs for citizens and city administration; or its about its human and social capital that accumulated in various concepts; or its about the education level of urban population and the generation of localized knowledge. Or sometimes it can be identified smart cities as its smart economy, its smart mobility and its smart environmental strategy.
Smart citizens produce a smart city, and vice versa. We believe that a smart city is a city that build based on citizen agreement. It will keep learning and adaptive. Its citizens build it together; therefore it is also an accumulation of citizens intelligence. A smart city is a city where its citizens able to participate in shaping and deciding their future together.
Is JAKARTA Smart Enough?
Plato said that ‘The City is what it is because our citizens are what they are. A City is a process; a repository of possibilities by the people and from the people. And being smart is one of o solution to be sustainable in the future.
Jakarta is the megacity with 9.6 millions registered citizens that covered 665km2 of land and 1800 km2 of water. 13 main rivers run through Jakarta, almost 30% of its land is under sea level. Jakarta is sinking at the rate of 1-18 cm/year depends on location. Jakarta is a perfect combination of urban man-made disaster and natural disaster: +/- 900 fires every year, almost 300 floods in 70% of Jakarta areas, extreme drought in East and West area of Jakarta and even tornado in Thousand Islands. In 2004, the Study on Integrated Transportation Policy predicted that Jakarta would have a massive traffic jam and transportation in 2014 if no mass rapid transportation built. The current and average car speed is decreasing and now reaches almost 10 km/hour. Jakarta is also the center of Indonesia economy, rapidly urbanized in periphery area and an economic magnet. Current Jakarta economic growth is 7% and the minimum wage in Jakarta is the highest in Indonesia (USD 250/month)
But Jakarta is also a megacity that full of optimism with the new populist governor. This is a melting pot of culture. The morphology of Jakarta consists of historical walled city, urban kampongs, gated communities, superblocks and various forms. Forthcoming urbanization trend is expected to intensify Jakarta density as the Indonesia population grows.
This workshop will give opportunity for young people to think smartly and give an alternative solution to make Jakarta a better and smarter city. We will select maximun 2 participants to be invited in design workshop in Aedes Campus, Berlin from 10-20 June 2013.
- Young people from age of 21 to 28
- Have a passion about Jakarta
- Suitable for students/young professional who work on architecture, urban planning, design & communication, product design, economic studies, social studies, sociology, anthropology, arts, medical studies, public health, law, urban management, well basically, any fields will do.
- This is an individual proposal
Prospective participants have to submit their Smart City ideas proposals in English. There are 3 proposal formats that you can choose:
- 300 words of abstract; OR
- Image Collage in A3 PDF format; OR
- 2 minutes of Video
Your proposal should address one OR combination of these challenges: Resilient and Disaster, Mobility, Habitat and Water-related issue.
Please submit your proposal in English and 1 page of your CV to info@rujak.org. If you have any question please feel free to contact us via email: info@rujak.org or phone 021 31906809. Submission deadline: 30 December 2012.
Your proposals will be part of SMART CITY: The Next Generation exhibition in Berlin from May to July 2013.
About Smart City Workshop
- Smart City=Smart Citizen+Smart ProcessWorkshop will be conducted from 3-13 January 2013
- There will be site visits to selected places and communities
- Each participants have to commit to finish their work by 1 February 2013 in order to be exhibit on June 2013 in SMART CITY: The Next Generation Exhibition in Berlin.
- This workshop is free of charge
- This workshop and participants works will be under Creative Commons License.
- We will select 2 participants to be invited in Design Workshop in Aedes Campus, 10-20 June 2012.
penulisan tahun acara di poster itu salah ya mbak?
terima kasih
Wah, iya, salah. Mestinya 3-13 Januari 2013. Maaf ya. Akan segera diperbaiki.
kak mau tanya pas di Jakarta itu apa ada penginapan yang disediakan trus venue nya dimana ya ?
Tidak ada penginapan. Venue akan berpindah, tapi sebagian besar akan di Museum Bank Mandiri
bisa di jelaskan tentang struktur proposalnya secara detail, ataukah calon perserta di berikan kebebasan untuk menentukan model nya sendiri?
Calon peserta diberikan kebebasan utk menentukan model, tetapi harus tetap mengacu ke salah satu atau kombinasi dari: Mobility, Habitat, Disaster & Resilient, Water Related Issues. Dan format pengiriman proposal silakan dipilih dari 3 cara diatas.
Apakah proposal bisa mengangkat problem perkotaan lain di luar jakarta?
Tidak, harus berkonteks Jakarta
ok. mbak. Mungkin lain waktu saya akan ikut berpartisipasi. Saya usulkan : Kota-kota lain seperti semarang bisa di angkat untuk isu smart city kedepan. Thanks
Yaaaaa…telaaat… Diperpanjang dong submission deadline-nya
mau tanya, apakah rangkaian acara workshop berlangsung berturut2 dari tanggal 3-13? bagaimana jika tidak bisa mengikuti rangkaian acara secara penuh dari tgl 3-13? apa konsekuensinya?
Maaf, tidak bisa. Harus mengikuti semuanya.
mau tanya, apakah kegiatan yg dilakukan di Museum Bank Mandiri terbuka untuk umum?
Ya terbuka untuk umum. Silakan klik Event untuk tahu jadwal terbaru workshop.
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I have been so beliedwred in the past but now it all makes sense!