Vladimir Antolic, the Croatian Architect who helped Masterplanning Jakarta in 1962-1965.

vladimir antolic

From 1962 to 1965 Vladimir Antolic worked as UN planning adviser in Indonesia being involved in preparing Master Plan for Djakarta and other Indonesian towns.

In the 1953, with the previous experience of the founder and the director of Croatian Urban Planning Institute as well as of Urban Planning Department of the City of Zagreb where Vladimir Antolic developed a dozen of significant postwar urban plans for Yugoslavian cities on the basis of his prewar activity in CIAM and the engagement on Zagreb regulation plan (1936), Vlado Antolic accepted the post of UN expert in newly independent Burma. From 1953 to 1958 he established the urban planning service of Burma, developed Greater Rangoon Plan and Regulation Plans for several other Burmese cities. From Burma he went to Malaysia where he worked until 1961As UN expert in Malaysia, he developed Master Plan of Kuala Lumpur as a part of Klang Valley Regional Plan. 

Ms. Marina Smokvina at Zagreb University is doing a research on Antolic’s works in Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia in the 1950s and 1960s.  She would like to get in touch with anyone interested or having information on this subject. Contact: info@rujak.org



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