California civil servants are about to make a critical decision about the future of our commons. They are considering including forest carbon offsets – known as REDD – in Californias Global Warming Solutions Act. Only Governor Jerry Brown has the power to reject REDD. This upcoming Thursday he will be awarded for his leadership on climate change. This is our moment to make our message clear: “Our forests are not for sale“.
REDD allows Californian companies to buy and use ancient forests in other countries as sponges for the carbon pollution of corporations such asChevron and Shell.
Indigenous groups like our friends at the Indigenous Environmental Network and Idle No More along with environmental groups like Friends of the Earth and citizens from around the world are organizing a protest in front of the hotel where the Governor will receive this award.
Stand in solidarity with the movement by sending Jerry Brown an email urging him to leave REDD out of California’s climate change law and focus on reducing emissions at source.
If we surround him both physically and virtually, Jerry Brown will not be able to ignore the cumulative effect.
Supporters of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) claim it will actually lead to less carbon emissions over time, although the evidence suggests the opposite[1]. Similar REDD-type projects have already harmed citizens around the world, particularly Indigenous peoples abroad, violating human rights and leading to huge land grabs and environmental destruction.[2]
This is the first time any sub-national government body has tried to launch REDD, and it could set a dangerous precedent that others around the world will then copy. Assigning an economic value to their forests puts more power in the hands of corporations and causes the upward redistribution of wealth from citizens to rich and powerful elites.
Tell Governor Brown to reject this false solution, and continue California’s legacy of bold environmental leadership by breaking away from REDD and actually reducing carbon at its source.
Alnoor and /TR team with: